serial failure

3068 days ago

Ouzo O'Clock already: Dragon's Den flop Piers Linney admits Outsourcery is almost toast!

Well you cannot say that you were not warned! I have exposed time and time again on this website how the business career of one series Dragons Den flop Piers Linney has been marked by serial failure. The loathsome self-publicist Linney said floating Outsourcery on AIM at 110p in May 2013 was the highlight of his career. Today Linney has admitted that his company is almost toast. What fucking brilliant news.


3652 days ago

Outsourcery share slump accelerates - is Dragon’s Den star Piers Linney really worth £100 million?

It was less than four weeks ago that AIM Casino listed POS Outsourcery (OUT) announced a rescue placing at 20p. Today the shares are 15.5p to sell. So anyone foolish enough to ignore the serial business failures of CEO and Dragon’s Den star Piers Linney (see HERE) is already almost 25% down. Anyone who backed the IPO in May 2013 has – after 16 months now lost 86% of their money. Way to go Piers, worse is to come. This will be your biggest failure yet – although it faces serial competition.

The announcement of 14th August 2014 was, I remind you, utterly misleading. Piers announced a:
